Consultations are not just for budding pond projects. Whether you are completely new to ponds or have been keeping koi for years, a pond consultation is a great value for you. We will asses your current setup, and give you advice on how to improve it. We will offer guidance on fish health, filtration systems, UV lighting, landscape design, water quality, equipment and decor installation, and much more. If you have questions or need help with your pond, a consultation is what you need.We offer consultations on the following:
- New Pond Consultations
- New Customer Consultations
- Design and Construction Consultations
- General Troubleshooting
- Equipment Repair
- Algae and Cloudy Water Control
- Water Quality Assessments
- Fish Health
- And much more!
Our consultations usually last about an hour and are available by appointment. Estimated cost is $100 plus time and travel fees.
To schedule your consultation, call 770-321-FISH or send an email to |